姓名:孙洋 性别:男 职务:市场营销专业本科课程项目主任 职称:副教授 博导 联系电话:83656351 所在部门:市场营销系 E-mail:sunyang@mail.neu.edu.cn |
副教授,东北大学 [2020.07-至今]
博士后研究员,东北大学 [2020.07-至今]
讲师,浙江理工大学 [2015.12-2020.06]
研究员,韩国经济与管理发展协会 [2014.09-2015.12]
博士后研究员 (Institute of Convergence Science),延世大学(韩国) [2014.09-2015.08]
市场营销专业博士(国际经营与市场营销),国立昌原大学(韩国) [2011.08-2014.08]
管理学硕士学位(国际经营与市场营销),国立昌原大学(韩国) [2009.08-2011.08]
管理学学士学位(市场营销),辽宁科技大学 [ 2005.08-2009.07]
研究员,英迪国际大学(INTI International University, 马来西亚)[2023.04-2025.12]
访问教授,万隆理工大学(Bandung Institute of Technology, 印度尼西亚)[2022.08-2022.12]
中国高等院校市场学研究会理事 [2022至今]
Global Alliance of Marketing & Management Associations执行秘书助理 [2014至今]
Global Alliance of Marketing & Management Associations时事综述主编 [2017至今]
Korean Scholars of Marketing Science理事会成员[2019至今]
<Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science>(ESCI)编委委员[2019至今]
<Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics>(SSCI)特刊客座主编[2017至今]
<Journal of Business Research>,<Internet Research>,<Psychology & Marketing>等期刊评审专家
国家社会科学基金一般项目,项目主持人 [2022至今]
中央高校基本科研业务专项资金资助,项目主持人 [2020-2022]
教育部人文社会科学青年基金,项目主持人 [2019-2021]
中国博士后科学基金资助项目,项目主持人 [2020-2022]
学术论文 (仅列部分第一作者论文)
Sun, Y., Ding, W., Weng, C., Cheah, I., Cai, H. (2022). The Effect of Consumer Resistance to Innovation on Innovation Adoption: The Moderating Role of Consumer Loyalty. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics. 34 (9), 1849-1863. (SSCI)
Sun, Y. (2021). Case based Models of the Relationship between Consumer Resistance to Innovation and Customer Churn. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 61, 102530. (SSCI)
Sun, Y., Gonzalez-Jimenez, H., Wang S. (2021). Examining the Relationship between e-WOM, Consumer Ethnocentrism and Brand Equity. Journal of Business Research. 130(June), 564-573. (SSCI)
Sun, Y., Garrett T. C., Phau, I., Zheng, B. (2020). Case-based Models of Customer Perceiving Sustainable Marketing as Enhancing versus not Enhancing Customer Equity. Journal of Business Research. 117(9), 615-622.
Sun, Y., Cai, H., Su, R., Shen, Q. (2020). Advantage of low quality in short life cycle products. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics. 32(5), 1038-1054. (SSCI)
Sun, Y., Cheah, I., Sung, B., Lee, E. (2020). Innovative Research Methodologies in Marketing Research. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics. 32(5), 1001-1003. (SSCI)
Sun, Y., Weng, C., Liao, Z. J. (2019). Product innovation and sustainable marketing: Effects on consumer innovativeness. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management. 31(7), 765-775. (SSCI)
Sun, Y., Garrett T. C., Kim, K. H. (2016). Do Confucian Principles enhance Sustainable Marketing and Customer Equity. Journal of Business Research. 69, 3772-3779. (SSCI)
Sun, Y., Ko, E. (2016). Influence of Sustainable Marketing Activities upon Customer Equity. Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science. 26(3), 270-283. (ABDC)
Sun, Y., Kim, K. H., & Kim, J. (2014). Examining relationships among sustainable orientation, perceived sustainable marketing performance, and customer equity in fast fashion industry. Journal of Global Fashion Marketing.5(1), 74-86. (ABDC)