姓名:张昊 性别:男 职务:市场营销系主任 职称:教授 博导 联系电话:024--83656416 所在部门:市场营销系 E-mail:hzhang@mail.neu.edu.cn |
辽宁省营商环境建设局 智库专家
《International Journal of Advertising》编委
《Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science》编委
《Journal of Global Fashion Marketing》 领域副主编
Global Marketing Conference 组委会委员
《Journal of Business Research》, 《Asian Journal of Technology Innovation》, 《管理科学》等期刊评审专家
2007.3 - 2010.2:理学博士 韩国延世大学
2005.3 - 2007.2:工商管理硕士 韩国国立昌原大学
2000.9 - 2004.7:管理学学士 河北科技大学
2023.1 至今 东北大学市场营销系 教授 博士生导师
2015.1 至 2022.12 东北大学市场营销系 副教授 硕士生导师
2011.3 2014.12 东北大学市场营销系 讲师
2012.3 - 2013.12 东北大学EMBA中心 主任助理
2010.4 - 2010.10:韩国IGM世界经营研究院 主任研究员及高级讲师
2010.2 - 2010.9:韩国延世大学纺织服装系 讲师
2004.8 - 2005.1:河北省省委组织部选调毕业生,挂职于河北省新乐市市委组织部
◦ Zhang, Hao, Choi, Yung Kyun (2018). Preannoancement Messages: Impetus for Electronic Word-of-Mouth, International Journal of Advertising (SSCI), 37(1), 54-70. . ◦ Zhang, Hao, Liang, Xiaoning, & Wang, Shiquan (2016). Customer Value Anticipation, Product Innovativeness, and Customer Lifetime Value: The Moderating Role of Advertising Strategy, Journal of Business Research (SSCI), 69(9), 3725-3730. ◦ Zhang, Hao, Garrett, Tony, Liang, Xiaoning (2015).The Effects of Innovation-Oriented Mission Statements on Innovation Performance and Non-financial Business Performance, Asian Journal of Technology Innovation (SSCI), 23(2),57-71. ◦ Zhang, Hao, Ko, E. and Lee, E. (2013). Moderating effects of nationality and product category on the relationship between innovation and customer equity in Korea and China. Journal of Product Innovation Management (SCI二区/SSCI/EI), 30(1), 110-122.
◦ Li, Dongjin Wang, Chenglu and Zhang, Hao (2014). The Asymmetric influence of cognitive and affective country image on rational and experiential purchases. European Journal of Marketing (SSCI), 48(11/12), 2153-2175.
◦ Zhang, Hao, Ko, E. and Taylor, C. R. (2010). Advertising appeals strategy’s moderating effect on the relationship between innovation and customer equity drivers in China. Advances in International Marketing, 21, 111-139.
◦ Zhang, Hao and Ko, E. (2010). The influences of customer equity drivers on customer equity and loyalty in sports shoes industry: Comparing Korea and China. Journal of Global Fashion Marketing, 1(2), 110-118.
◦ Ko, E., Kim, K.H., Kim, S., Li, G., Zou, P. and Zhang, H. (2009). The Relationship among Country of Origin, Brand Equity and Brand Loyalty: Comparison among USA, China and Korea. Journal of Global Academy of Marketing Science, 19(1), 37-44.
◦ Ko, E. and Zhang, H. (2009). The moderating effects of nationality and lifestyle on the relationship between brand equity and purchase intention. International Journal of Human Ecology, 10(2), 39-54.
◦ Ko, E., Kim, K. H. and Zhang, H. (2008). A cross study of antecedents of purchase intention for sports shoes in Korea and China. Journal of Global Academy of Marketing Science, 18(1), 157-177.
◦ 张昊,张斓. 微信朋友圈中⼈际关系对好友评论效果的影响研究[J]. 管理科学(CSSCI,基⾦委认定的 A 类期刊), 2019, 32(5), 87-101. ◦ 张昊,王世权,辛冲.国有企业CEO注意力对产品创新影响的研究[J].管理学报,2014,111(12),1798-1805.
◦ 张昊,王泽博,赫鑫.个人享乐价值、奢侈品感知价值与购买意图之间的关系[J].中大管理研究,2014, 9(1), 59-75.
◦ 张昊,赵晓煜.中韩两国时装产业中顾客资产模型的比较研究[J].华东经济管理,2014,28(1),172-176.
◦ 张昊,孙新波,王承璐.消费者的时尚生活方式对于顾客忠诚度的影响[J].东北大学学报(自然科学版),2013, 34(3), 452-456.
◦ 辛冲,张昊.有限理性视角下组织创新演进特征[J]. 技术经济,2013,32(11),29-32.
◦ 赵晓煜,曹忠鹏,张昊.顾客之间的感知相容性与其行为意向的关系研究[J].管理学报,2012,9(6),890-899.
2017-2018 东北大学优秀本科毕业论文指导教师
2019 东北大学优秀硕士毕业论文指导教师